
Your boat is in good hands with us

Søholm Yacht Service A/S
Winter Storage

Nybølnorvej 16, DK-6310 Broager
Mads Søholm: +45 24 44 72 83
Administration: +45 29 45 06 73

Søholm Marine ApS
Motor service. Buy & Sale

Nybølnorvej 16, DK-6310 Broager
Flemming Søholm: +45 40 40 65 90
Administration: +45 29 45 06 73

Sådan kommer du frem:

By car on E45, exit on ”8” towards Sønderborg. Exit 12.
From Sønderborg, exit 12. 3rd exit in roundabout, 2nd exit in roundabout, 2nd exit in roundabout. After approx. 1 km, turn right.
Find directions here »

By boat under Egernsund bridge NNØ 55o – SSØ 140o.
The bridge opens only once per hour. See display on the bridge.

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